Water Features. Sourced from the UK and around the world, GardenSite has gained an enviable reputation for its huge range of water features. Manufactured from many different materials and of all types and sizes, we are sure to stock a feature that will enhance your home or garden. Adding movement, sound, light, and interest to your garden
Feb 14, 2017 · Discover The Stravinsky Fountain in Paris, France: A series of abstract, silly sculptures represent the works of a great modern classical composer.
The Rillé Lake - also known as Pinchmaille Lake - is the largest inland body of water in central-western France. With an area of 250 hectares, the Rillé Lake is a paradise for birds. More than 250 species have been identified, making Lac de Rillé a unique ornithological reserve in Touraine.
Rills are similar in appearance to streams, but rather than having a natural look, rills are eye-catching water features that channel water in a straight line. Rills are often shallow and narrow, and are used in garden design to lead the eye towards another feature in the garden.
Jun 26, 2013 · This narrow path of water offers a resting place for the eye in an intensively planted area. A stepping stone gives easy access from one side of the rill to the other. The rill at Broughton Grange stretches towards the horizon. Whether straight or curved, rills are my favourite way to transport water from one place to another.
Jun 16, 2022 · 17. Olive Tapenade. Tapenade is a staple in French cuisine, comprising olives, anchovies, capers, and classic spices. The result is a salty spread or condiment with various uses. The simplest way to enjoy tapenade is to spread it on pita, chips, or bread. Some like to mix it with a veggie burger or top it on a salad.
Nov 27, 2023 · Okuma Ceymar C-30. Thanks to a combo of smooth operation, awesome features, and quality construction, the Okuma Ceymar C-30 is the fishing reel that rose to the top of the fleet. Its smooth operation meant we could cast with ease and reel in something big without fighting against the reel and the fish.
May 25, 2012 · A single urn fountain's bubbling water invites visitors to explore a garden. Make a focal point. A large glazed urn plays off all the shades of green in this garden full of conical evergreen trees and rounded boxwood shrubs. Likewise, you can use an urn as a focal point in a courtyard or on a patio.
Oct 28, 2023 · A bronze nude stands within a carved-limestone frame at the edge of a rectangular, edgeless pool, which seems to flow into White Rock Lake. Pensive. Her rounded features are echoed in the monumental limestone frame. Another frame across the pool draws your eye, begging for a living figure to pose there and look this way.
Aug 19, 2021 · The jub is used to help prevent water evaporation and maximize tree access to a small amount of water in arid countries. Jubs were commonly used in ancient Persian gardens (500 BC) to conserve water. Rill: A narrow channel or small rivulet with running water inset in the concrete or stone pavement of a garden. A rill can be used to transport
Mar 8, 2023 · From simple basin styles, eye-catching water walls, sculptural designs or simply a pond, you can be sure there's a look that's got your name on it. And note how the rill, dyed an inky black ...
Jul 29, 2022 · Beautiful outdoor lighting ideas to illuminate your space. Garden lighting is one of the easiest ways to create drama and ambiance after dark. These beautiful schemes are sure to get you inspired. 1. Light up zones of activity. Lights by Signature and Aquaterra Outdoors created this gorgeous setup.
Mar 18, 2022 · Of all the garden features, water is the most fascinating. It captivates with its movement, reflections and gentle sounds, bringing an appealing mix of new sensations. This eye-catching simple circular water feature is composed of a raised metal pool with two pipes delivering trickling water that introduces a note of tranquility to the yard.